Sample Interview Questions,
Tips & Techniques

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Interview Tip #1

You’re not supposed to be biased when interviewing job applicants. But in this video, Glenn explains why it is scientifically impossible to be completely unbiased because…

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Interview Tip #2

Would you be distracted by a job applicant with a really wimpy, dead fish handshake and clammy palms? Or what if they’re wearing so much perfume of cologne that you can still smell them an hour after they’ve left your office? In this video, Glenn explains how to…

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Interview Tip #3

Have you ever heard about companies that take applicants to lunch, and secretly tell the server to dowse their applicant’s meal with so much salt that it’s uneatable to see if the applicant adds more salt before tasting it, or sends it back, or tries to eat it and pretend nothing’s wrong. In this video, Glenn explains why…

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Interview Tip #4

Someone’s who’s good at doing their job is not a good employee – they’re only a good worker. To be a good employee, they have to be good at doing their job, AND be relatively easy to manager. In this video, Glenn explains how to find out if an applicant…

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Interview Tip #5

This is one of the weirdest interview tips you’ve ever heard, involving a plumber in Monroe, Louisiana, country superstar Miranda Lambert, and whole lot of stinky smells. Click the play button to…

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Interview Tip #6

A study reported by Yahoo News in June of 2024 reported that 71% of job applicants lie or cheat the process in some way during interviews. In this video, Glenn reveals a special technique used by the FBI (who has attended his seminar multiple times) to find out when…

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Interview Tip #7

Remember the video of President Clinton saying he didn’t have sex with Monica Lewinsky? In less than 30 seconds, there were 11 tell-tale signs investigators spotted that indicated he wasn’t telling the truth. In this video, Glenn explains what they were and how to …

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Interview Tip #8

While you can’t prevent people from lying to you, you can reduce the chances of them lying to you by moving your desk chair to a specific spot. In this video, Glenn explains…

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Interview Tip #9

Based on a psychological principle called The Hawthorne Effect, you can hand something on the wall in your office that will reduce the chances of someone lying, cheating, or stealing. In the video, Glenn explains …

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Interview Tip #10

In this video, Glenn explains how you can use something as simple an empty Coke can to tell if someone is likely to be a good employee.

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Sample Interview Question #1

This question sounds like a softball but reveals a lot about a person. From “Fish” to “Who Moved My Cheese?”, you’ll learn tons about someone in the blink of an eye based on their answer to this question.

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Sample Interview Question #2

Working with people we don’t like is part of life. Some people are great at their jobs, but they just aren’t great at getting along with other people…

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Sample Interview Question #3

Here’s a question that sounds absolutely absurd. But you’d be amazed at the answers people will give.

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Sample Interview Question #4

A recording artist named John Cougar Mellencamp had a huge hit song back in the 80s called The Authority Song. The chorus went “I fight authority, but authority always wins”. We all tend to fight authority when we’re young, but most people eventually grow out of it. But there are some people who…

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Sample Interview Question #5

Ask someone what three of their strengths are and watch how quickly they’ll answer. But ask them this question and watch notice how much longer it takes to answer. If it takes a while, it doesn’t mean anything’s wrong with them. But…

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Sample Interview Question #6

Ask a Helicopter Parent this question and some will get defensive. They may even tell you their kids are none of your business. But this literally is your business because…

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Sample Interview Question #7

This one is a little bit deceptive, but not in a bad way. You’re actually helping the applicant by giving him or her a chance to sell themselves to you. But this question is one that needs to be phrased verbatim because…

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Sample Interview Question #8

This question is an interrogation tactic used by the FBI. It’s so powerful that there are entire books written about it. Asking this one will sometimes reveal more about many applicants in 30 seconds than the entire rest of the interview…

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Sample Interview Question #9

This is Glenn’s favorite interview question. Unlike most interview questions, this one has only one right answer and it should be obvious. Yet as many as 90% of applicants get it wrong. Not because they’re not intelligent, but because no one has ever taught them this very basic bedrock principle of business that everyone needs to know…

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Sample Interview Question #10

This one is a new spin on a very old question. It’s based on a principle that licensed counselors use with couples in marriage counseling when they’re trying to salvage a long term commitment that seems headed for divorce…

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Sample Interview Question #11

This one is so weird that people who attend Glenn’s seminars tell us they’ve sent someone out in the parking lot to look at the back of the applicant’s vehicle while they’re inside being interviewed. But it’s not as weird as you might think. Here’s why….

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Sample Interview Question #12

This question is one that small businesses often think this question only applies to larger corporations. But it applies to small businesses as well, maybe even more so. In this video, Glenn explains…

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