How TikTok Forced Corporate America to Radically Change How It Trains Employees

What is “Micro Learning”, and why is it so important for companies with Millennial and Gen Z employees?

It began around the start of the 21st century.

In 2003, the first major social media platforms (Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter) came into our lives.

In 2005, YouTube was launched.

In 2007, the first iPhone was released.

From there on in, social media platforms continued to increase as did people’s addiction to them.

In 2010, Instagram took off and became the preferred platform for Millennials.

In 2016, TikTok took off and became the preferred platform for Generations Z.

When Congress tried to ban TikTok in 2024, the backlash was so bad that psychologists coined a new term called “The TikTok Effect”

As the number of social media platforms continued to grow, people’s attention spans continued to shrink.

A Microsoft study found that people’s attention spans dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8.25 seconds in 2015. This was a milestone because goldfish have an attention span of 9 seconds.

A subsequent study found that by 2022, it had dropped to 7 seconds.

While the media focused on historic great labor shortages that also began during this timeframe, and The Great Resignation that began in 2021 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, they missed one major workforce change that employers were scrambling with.

With attention spans dropping so fast, it was harder than ever to keep employees engaged.

Requiring employees to sit in a meeting room and watch long, boring training videos no longer worked – for managers or for non-managerial staff.

Employers were forced to completely overhaul their training methods. That’s when “Micro-Learning” was born.

It’s a method of employee training which delivers short, bite-sized lessons that provide maximum results, from a minimal investment of time.

Microlearning offers five major advantages over “previous” methods of employee training.

  1. Your employees are more likely to remember what they’ve learned.

  2. It’s perfect for “just in time” training since each lesson focuses on one very specific learning objective.

  3. People get the information they need quicker, which translates into improved engagement and motivation.

  4. It takes short attention spans into consideration.

  5. It saves time, reduces training costs, and improves workplace productivity faster and more efficiently.

Each of Glenn’s micro learning lessons on can be streamed on your computer, tablet, mobile device, or TV.

If you’re already an AwesomeBOSSES™ member, click here to start streaming now.

If you’re not an AwesomeBOSSES™ member, click here to try it now for Free.
