Why is this called $10K Training?

Because it will cost you a minimum of $10,000 each time you lose an employee.

A Gallup study found the cost is as high as twice the employee’s annual salary.

Regardless of the exact figure, two things are certain:

1. Turnover is very, very expensive.
2. People don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses.

If you’re in any kind of leadership role, how good you are at managing people will have a huge impact on your company’s bottom line.

If you’re not a good manager, your good employees will leave to find a better run company to work for.

And those who stay will comply with your orders but will never commit. They’ll do just enough to keep their jobs – and nothing more.

From the evil Mr. Potter in the classic Christmas movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” to the Jennifer Anniston movie “Horrible Bosses”, bad bosses are so common that they’ve been Hollywood fodder for over 70 years.

The Accidental Manager

Ask any nurse, plumber, chef, or anyone else in management what the hardest part of their job is.

Almost all will tell you it’s managing people. Yet on average, 80% were promoted into management with little training.

That’s an EPIC mistake because being good at a specific job doesn’t mean someone will be good at managing other people who do that job.

The Problem with Management Training

Management is a skill that can be taught.

The problem with most management training is that it’s sooooooooooo boring it makes doing your taxes feel like that Jamaican vacation Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet sang about in “It’s Five O’ Clock Somewhere”.

That’s where Glenn Shepard comes in.

If you’ve attended his seminars, you know how good he is at taking the monotonous subject of management and making it easy to understand and kind of fun to learn.

Now he’s taken everything he’s been teaching in his seminars for the past 25 years and formatted it into streaming video like Netflix, and streaming audio like Spotify.

The Secret is “Micro-Learning”

To make it more “digestible”, he’s broken it up into MUCH more palatable bite sized pieces called “Micro-Learning”.

It’s kind of like getting sugar glazed doughnut holes when you don’t want an entire doughnut. Or like TikTok for management training. 

Now you don’t have to sit through long lessons.

Instead, you can watch or listen at your own pace, wherever you like, whenever you like.

It won’t replace lying in a hammock on a beach while like Jimmy Buffet sang about, but it will be better than 99% of the management training out there.

No matter how you do it, learning the management skills that Glenn teaches will make a HUGE difference in your ability to manage people effectively.

The better you get at managing, the better you’ll get at reducing turnover, attracting higher quality candidates in an insanely tight labor market, and getting the best out of everyone.

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